Saturday, 4 February 2017


*FAVOR MARKET, LABOUR MARKET Argumentum ad logicam (argument to logic)*


After a long vacation, have concluded to go back to my writing table to drop one out of  my much anticipated write ups....

Now to the business of the day, it is a common ecstasy that has cascaded and marauded many mind and in a subtle way replaced "Favour"  in place of "Labour". After my thorough researches, oral interviews and discussion on various platform, now I realized where religion opium has lead many in Nigerian..

The word labour market is a generalized concept denoting the interaction between the supply (number of persons available for work) and the demand (number of jobs available) and the wage rate.  While Favour has  no market, some religious leaders has consciously insert the word Favour in place of Labour to be called Favour market in place of Labour market.

Even though with sampling techniques adopted in course of this writeup, many people has their own view why they decided to adopt the word favour in place of Labour market, some  cited  different instances, for example, a case of a young graduate who recently graduated from university and got employed immediately without any year of experience, NYSC certificate, referee, low CGPA and  the case of a graduate who has completed his one year mandatory youth corper service, good academic stand, immense experience, good human relationship and has searched through the nook and cranule for job opportunities but all his effort end up without substantive and substantial job, yet walking aimlessly without hope for the future of securing a job..

Many even said, is only those favour can be employed,further more, some backup their belief with biblical reference,excerpt God build the house those who build, build it in vain, and the common biblical passage *not of he that will nor of he that run but of he that he show mercy*, but the logical question is, is Labour market limited and confine just to the wall of white collar job?, absolutely no!, if you set up a business and you employ able hands and minds, that is an example of Labour market, where services are render and goods are demanded and in turn get the worker wages settle  that is Labour market...

Labour has literally denoted by individuals to Mean to suffer or to undergo pain or stress, or to undergo difficult tasks, has logically setup the space where people are ready to reproof and reject pains and suffering, but conceptually Labour market is like a world or a system where demand, supply and workers interact.

Religious beliefs and egocentric system of man has lead to establishment of favour market which in economic world and employment world is an invalid word...

Hence it is argument that lack logical support (argumenum ad logicam) I will urge my readers to desist from using the word favour market but use the right word which is  labour market, because  no one has been favour if not worth the favour.
The Holy scripture opine to study just  to show thyself approve. So no Favour in Labour market, only the market favour the able and vibrant worker who has what to contribute to keep the system in equilibrium .
Thank you.
Adebo Adegboye David

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