Monday, 15 May 2017



Looking at service from the view of a mean of serving, we can deduce that service is a work done by a person or group that benefit others. The will on the other hand, is the capability of conscious choice, a fixed and persistent intent or purpose.

The will to serve comes from the zeal a person has for service. You cannot be willing to serve without possessing a trait of service in you. Service to people come as a selfless idea in which a person becomes unsettled because he/she cannot express their will.

The problem identified now is that who is ready to serve? And who wants to be served? Majority wants to be served, no one is willing to serve the other, because they believe they will end up not receiving anything at the end of it all. So many individuals have served, but yet, the reward of their services are being given to some set of personalities, who know little or nothing about what they are enjoying. 

This part of the world in particular has being the ground in which the order of the day is serving and expecting instant reward. Not saying expecting instant reward is bad as the case may be, but the will to serve emanates from the passion of an individual. And whatever an individual has passion for, such individual will go to any length to pursue it. Service rendered today might not be followed by reward until months or years later. 

The will to serve comes from two different sources, which include passion to serve and love of service. A true passion for service results into a high level of productivity and success in what we do. While love of service is as a result of investing efforts into what you love to do without looking back.

Aside the two sources highlighted above, another source of service is the motivation to serve. We all hail from different backgrounds, where our parents after rendering a help to them say "thank you" to show appreciation. This might serve as motivation for the child then. But coming into the heterogeneous society where different people coexist, with different backgrounds, different ideologies. When it comes to service and appreciation, it might turn otherwise from what we have experienced from our different background. 

Thus, service in its full state really doesn't mean what you must get or the worth of what you will get to serve. But your ability to sacrifice what you have for the continuity of mankind and the prosperity of human generation. Great men of old that have showed leadership skills and sacrifice did all they did without expecting any reward from any of there followers. If any body must serve, he or she must be ready not to receive any reward from any man but from Divinity. 

Hence sincere service is not to man but to ensure the continuous prosperous existence of human generation which Divinity has created.

If you must serve, you must be ready for service without any expectation of reward. Howbeit a true leader will definitely be rewarded for his or her selfless service to mankind.

The reward of selfless service varies per person, group, nation and country. Therefore to serve genuinely, you must take your gaze away from the reward and focus mainly on the task to fulfill mandate!

_And let us not grow weary while doing good (serving), for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart._ 

Oyashina Ibraheem Oreoluwa (*ORHE*)
Department of Adult Education, PART III 

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